Integrating hyperlinks into your images can enhance interactivity and engagement. Although JPEGs cannot store clickable links directly, Photoshop offers a workaround. Follow these steps to add a hyperlink to a JPEG in Photoshop:

6 Steps to Add a Hyperlink to a JPEG in Photoshop

Here I have an interior image edited by me. And I want to add our logo and make it clickable.

an interior image to add our logo and make it clickable

Step 1: Open Your Image in Photoshop

Go to File > Open and select the JPEG image you want to edit. Keep the image in the Background.

Screenshot of the Photoshop interface with the File menu open, highlighting the Open option.
Opening an image in Photoshop through the File > Open menu.
Keep the image in the Background

Step 2: Add the Element to Hyperlink

Go to File > Place Embedded and select the element you want to add and want to hyperlink, such as a logo or icon. 

Screenshot showing the placement of an additional image element into the main document in Photoshop.
Adding a logo or icon to the image for hyperlinking using the Place Embedded option.

For example, I want to hyperlink our logo in this picture.

our logo in this picture

Step 3: Use the Slice Tool

Choose the Slice Tool from the toolbar. 

Screenshot of the Slice Tool being selected from the Photoshop toolbar
Selecting the Slice Tool from the toolbar to create a clickable area.

Slice the element you want to hyperlink.

Slice the element you want to hyperlink

Step 4: Edit Slice Options

Right-click on the created slice. Choose Edit Slice Options from the context menu.

Edit Slice Options

Step 5: Add the Hyperlink

In the Slice Options dialog box, enter the URL you want to link to in the URL field.
Click OK to apply the hyperlink to the slice.

Screenshot of the Slice Options dialog box in Photoshop
Entering the URL in the Slice Options dialog box to set the hyperlink.

Step 6: Export Your Image

Go to File > Export > Save for Web (Legacy).

Export Your Image

In the Save for Web dialog box, select JPEG as the format.

Click Save and choose the destination

Click Save and choose the destination for your final image.

If you are new to photo editing or want to refine your skills, check out our comprehensive guide on What is Photo Editing. This article covers fundamental concepts and techniques that will help you get started with Photoshop.

Advanced Techniques for Image Manipulation

For more advanced Photoshop users, learning how to create and use clipping masks can be incredibly beneficial. Dive into our tutorial on How to Create a Clipping Mask in Photoshop. This guide will teach you how to control the visibility of certain parts of your image, allowing for more complex edits and designs.

Enhancing Product Photos

If you’re working on e-commerce or product photography, making your images stand out is crucial. Learn how to remove backgrounds efficiently with our article on How to Remove White Background in Photoshop. This skill is particularly useful for creating clean, professional-looking product images

Final Notes

By following these steps, you can effectively add a hyperlink to a JPEG image in Photoshop, enhancing its interactivity and functionality. This technique is useful for creating clickable elements within images for various purposes, including marketing, design, and education.


  • Emily Duncan

    Hi there! I'm Emily Duncan, an image retoucher at Image Retouching Lab. With over 6 years of experience, I'm passionate about enhancing images to perfection. I love sharing tips and tutorials on our website to help others master the art of image editing.

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